Each of us has been uniquely crafted by God with gifts to be used to bless the Church and other people. That’s right! God wants to use each of us to advance His kingdom. God’s purpose for you is to bring Him glory. 



Jesus stated that even He didn’t come for His own purposes, but for the Father’s. When Christ came to this earth, He came to reconcile people to God and give them a new story. This is God’s master plan and wonderful purpose for all of His creation: reconciliation and new life. 



We get to use our specific gifts and passions in this plan of God because He invites us into His work—to make disciples of all people. This may seem daunting, but we are not without help! God’s purposes are carried out first and foremost by His sovereignty and by the work of Christ, but also by His choice of people and the assignments He has given to each of us. 



Paul tells us in his letter to the Corinthian church that each person has a role to play. Some do the planting, some do the watering, and God gives the growth! That means we have some pretty great partners in the work we’ve been given to serve others and, ultimately, God’s kingdom. 


When we understand that God’s purposes for this life aren’t just about us, we will be amazed at the incredible ways God can use us. 



Scriptures to Read: John 6:38; 1 Corinthians 3:5




        What unique gifts and personality traits do I possess that can bless other people? 


        In what ways can I begin to partner with God to use my gifts in His great purpose? 



God, I love You and thank You for allowing me to be part of Your purpose for creation. Thank You for the specific gifts and unique personality I have to help and bless other people. Help me to willingly use these gifts well, not solely for my own gain but for Your kingdom. Thank You for partnering with me in the special assignments You’ve given to me. In Jesus’ name, amen