People are not inspired to get involved when small groups are promoted as something that fills a personal need. (Reid Smith)
One of the biggest problems in small group life (and the church) is a consumeristic attitude. We must move from catering to personal needs to calling people to mission and serving the needs of others. People's sense of belonging comes much more quickly and powerfully from giving themselves to loving Christ by serving people than it does from connecting in a small group. Connection really is more a means to an end: Connecting unbelievers to Christ.
The call to small groups is primarily a call to mission.
The invitation into a small group is really an invitation to engage in The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). When believers are gathering others into God's eternal community, the Lord will source life into whatever their relational needs might be. This is applying Jesus' 'kingdom-first' exhortation to our public promotions of small group ministry and our personal needs (Matthew 6:31-33).
Discipleship Comes from Mission
Make no mistake, you and the members of your small group are in a war. It's a spiritual war, and the cost is greater than human lives—it's human souls. Eternity is at stake and church leaders have been given the sobering task of equipping God's army for this war. So we must take careful aim!
Current group locations are in Lebanon and Womelsdorf.
Please contact us for more info on times and locations of Bridge groups.